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Why Pinterest is the missing piece in your marketing strategy


Pinterest. A lovely place for collecting your favourite recipes and getting hair-style outfit and inspiration. But not much use for anything for your business, right?


Pinterest is an incredibly powerful tool that you could be using to reach thousands more potential customers and clients.

Pinterest is nowhere near as hungry as social media platforms like Twitter and Instagram that constantly need new content. And with a simple pinning strategy, Pinterest could be driving new traffic to your website right now.

For me, with my healthy living for entrepreneurs blog The Flourishing Pantry, Pinterest has turned into my second biggest driver of traffic, and I only spend one hour a week on my strategy.

Here’s what you didn’t realise about Pinterest:

Pinterest is a search engine, not a social media platform.

Pinterest isn’t a social media channel. It’s basically a visual search engine, a viable alternative to Google for millions of people. Instead of searching for the answers to their questions on a traditional search engine, people are using Pinterest to find the things they’re looking for which is why you need to be there when they see the results.

Posts to Pinterest can drive traffic for years to come.

Just like a good SEO strategy, Pinterest has the power to drive eyes onto your website content for weeks, months and years to come if you get your pin right. With a well designed pin, good key-word rich description and a consistent pinning strategy, a piece of content you shared on your blog a year ago could still be getting seen and bringing you new clients today. With zero extra effort. Beat that 20-minute tweet.

Pinterest users think their time is well-spent on the platform.

Unlike social media platforms which we all know can leave us feeling exhausted and depressed after scrolling through endless highlight reels, Pinterest users are twice as likely to say their time was well spent after using it, vs. other platforms.

Pinterest doesn’t have that negative association hanging around it that other social platforms seem to be accumulating. Instead, it bills itself as the platform where people

reconnect with themselves, not shouting politicians or pouting influencers. Pinterest is for your clients and their ideal vision of a future self.

Can you afford not to be there?


About the author:

Vicky Shilling is a coach, helping wellness industry entrepreneurs turn their business ideas into reality.

You can find out more about how to get set up on Pinterest in this video and set of resources on her website. Vicky also runs a 5 Day Pinterest Challenge, taking you from zero to hero setting up your Pinterest account and driving traffic to your website. Sign up here:


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